The Master Valuer Program
Todays hectic work schedules mean that fewer people in the jewelry industry have the time to attend resident professional jewelry courses needed to advance their careers. But thanks to the MasterValuer Program, busy people can take an academically sound professional jewelry appraising course in the convenience of their homes.
The MasterValuer distance education program delivers quality education in gem and jewelry appraising with you choosing the location, selecting the time, and setting the pace! Available worldwide, now you can earn the knowledge and confidence of a skilled jewelry appraiser without changing or disrupting your life. And, (finally!) you can provide clients with a service they expect from a jewelry appraisal professional.
The MasterValuer correspondence course was the first in the industry as a gem and jewelry appraising home study course. This comprehensive appraisal program includes learning appraisal methodology for writing appraisals of all types - insurance, estate, donation, probate. The latest trends, laws, and new technologies are all discussed in the course curriculum. The correspondence course contains 30 lessons with final exam and research paper. Successful completion earns a Certificate of Completion.
Who recognizes this course? Every responsible gem and jewelry organization in the world recognizes the Master Valuer Program.
- The American Society of Appraisers and the International Society of Appraisers give professional development (re-certification) credits to their members who take the program.
- Recognized by Jewelers Mutual Insurance Company, as fulfilling educational requirements needed to obtain Appraiser Liability Insurance.
- Endorsed by the Canadian Jewelers Association, as fulfilling educational requirements for its members to be awarded the Canadian Jewelers Association Accredited Appraiser (AAP) designation.
- Recognized by the National Assn. of Goldsmiths, UK, as the basis of the Jet Valuations Course.
Master Valuer Course can be completed using either of the following methods:
- Resident
- Correspondence and 3-day Practical Workshop
Please note: In order for a student to receive a RMV Diploma, they must be a certified gemologist (GG, FGA, FCGmA or another valid certification). You can be in process of studying for the gemology certificate but until successfully completed, you cannot be awarded the RMV Diploma.
Resident (Option 1):
The MasterValuer course is taught in residence in several locations throughout the world, this method does not require the completion of a 3-day workshop; all necessary practical work is done during the course. Duration is 4 weeks, 5 days per week, with some required outside work. The course includes appraisal theory, hands on work, field trips (when available) and guest lecturers.
In order for a student to receive a RMV Diploma, they must be a certified gemologist (GG, FGA, FCGmA, or another valid certification). You can be in process of studying for the gemology certificate but until successfully completed, you will not be awarded the RMV Diploma.
Click here for details
Correspondence Course and 3-day workshop (Option 2):
Using this method requires that both the 30 lesson correspondence course AND a 3-day practical workshop be completed in order to receive a Registered Master Valuer completion. When the student becomes a certified gemologist (i.e. GG, FGA, FCGmA, etc) a Registered MasterValuer™ diploma will be issued.
Please note: If a student is already a certified appraiser, the 3-day workshop requirement may be waived. Contact MV International with your certification/experience.
Students enrolled in the 30 lesson distance learning class are required to complete the course in 1 year. Extensions to this time can be obtained from MasterValuer International for an administrative fee and upon approval from MV International.
Click here for details
The MasterValuer™ jewelry appraisal program does not support jewelry appraisals that claim gemstones or jewelry to be sold for the purpose of investment? This is not to say that said appraiser is not qualified or capable of appraising properly, it is to say that it is the opinion of MV that a larger percentage of this type "investment" gemstone is commonly questionable and we as an organization of jewelry appraisal professionals do not support this practice.
Please understand that a Registered MasterValuer™ who would advertise as a reseller of "investment stones" cannot use the RMV credential as any basis for said appraisal. This is a "buyer beware" announcement. For information, contact Dee Rouse Huth - 800-731-1122.
